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Update #12 – End of Treatment!

Update # 11 – May 10, 2015

Update#10 – April 10, 2015

Update #9 – February 16, 2015

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Update #12 – End of Treatment!

So, the light at the end of the tunnel, the one that didn’t even seem to exist last October, is finally here. We made it.  Mac did it.  Today, July 15th, marks his last day of chemotherapy.  After 40+ weeks of weekly chemo, we are almost done. It is so difficult to accurately reduce to writing […]

Update # 11 – May 10, 2015

      Good news to report!  Mac had another round of scans last week (April 29th) and things look good.  The last set of scans were done in December, so these scans, also used to measure the initial impact of radiation, were greatly anticipated.  The tumor in his prostate is still there, and it […]

Update#10 – April 10, 2015

It has been way too long… so much to say and so little time to write.  I have been meaning to sit down to do an update for weeks now – literally weeks – and I have not done it.  Some of it is lack of time (or more accurately stated, sheer exhaustion by the […]


Update #12 – End of Treatment!

So, the light at the end of the tunnel, the one that didn’t even seem to exist last October, is finally here. We made it.  Mac did it.  Today, July 15th, marks his last day of chemotherapy.  After 40+ weeks of weekly chemo, we are almost done. It is so difficult to accurately reduce to writing […]


Update #12 – End of Treatment!

So, the light at the end of the tunnel, the one that didn’t even seem to exist last October, is finally here. We made it.  Mac did it.  Today, July 15th, marks his last day of chemotherapy.  After 40+ weeks of weekly chemo, we are almost done. It is so difficult to accurately reduce to writing […]

Update # 11 – May 10, 2015

      Good news to report!  Mac had another round of scans last week (April 29th) and things look good.  The last set of scans were done in December, so these scans, also used to measure the initial impact of radiation, were greatly anticipated.  The tumor in his prostate is still there, and it […]

Update#10 – April 10, 2015

It has been way too long… so much to say and so little time to write.  I have been meaning to sit down to do an update for weeks now – literally weeks – and I have not done it.  Some of it is lack of time (or more accurately stated, sheer exhaustion by the […]



Update #12 – End of Treatment!

So, the light at the end of the tunnel, the one that didn’t even seem to exist last October, is finally here. We made it.  Mac did it.  Today, July 15th, marks his last day of chemotherapy.  After 40+ weeks of weekly chemo, we are almost done. It is so difficult to accurately reduce to writing […]

Update # 11 – May 10, 2015

      Good news to report!  Mac had another round of scans last week (April 29th) and things look good.  The last set of scans were done in December, so these scans, also used to measure the initial impact of radiation, were greatly anticipated.  The tumor in his prostate is still there, and it […]

Update#10 – April 10, 2015

It has been way too long… so much to say and so little time to write.  I have been meaning to sit down to do an update for weeks now – literally weeks – and I have not done it.  Some of it is lack of time (or more accurately stated, sheer exhaustion by the […]